
Building Bridges, Empowering Diversity: Unlocking Potential Together

Languages currently offered

LanguageInternational CodeName of InterpreterCredentialsRequest
SwahiliSWAMucyo BalindaRegisteredBook Appointment
KinyarwandaRWAMucyo BalindaRegisteredBook Appointment
KirundiRUNMucyo BalindaRegisteredBook Appointment
LugandaLUGMucyo BalindaRegisteredBook Appointment
LingalaLINMucyo BalindaRegisteredBook Appointment
FrenchFRAMucyo BalindaNot RegisteredBook Appointment
SomaliSOMAssociateUnknownBook Appointment
TigrinyaTIRAssociateUnknownBook Appointment
ArabicARAAssociateUnknownBook Appointment
AmharicAMHAssociateUnknownBook Appointment
This is the list of languages we currently offer. If you need a language not listed please let us know and will be happy to assist you. Languages are listed based on the request frequency.